General FGA Competition Terms


1. Rules of Golf

1.1 All championships shall be played in accordance with the R&A Rules of Golf and the
championship specific Terms of the Competition.
1.2 All championships will be run by Fife Golfing Association, to whom all disputes will be
referred and whose decision will be final.
1.3 In the case of entry by a golfer with a disability, he/she can apply to Fife Golfing Association
for adoption of the Modified Rules of Golf for Players with Disabilities.

2. Amateur Status
2.1 All players must be of amateur status as defined by R&A Rules Ltd

3. Entries and Fees
3.1 All competitors must be members of Clubs/Societies affiliated to Fife Golfing Association and
entries must be completed and received by Fife Golfing Association by 5pm on the closing
date. They must be accompanied by payment. No entries will be accepted without payment.
3.2 It is the entrant’s responsibility to check that their entry has been received by the closing
3.3 Fife Golfing Association will only consider late entries should the maximum field size not be
achieved and thereafter at their discretion up to 48 hours prior to the championship
3.4 In the event of a championship being over-subscribed, the level of entries will be reduced to
maximum field size number in order of WHS Handicap Index at the close of entry unless
otherwise outlined in the terms of the competition
3.5 An entry fee will only be refunded if the entrant confirms their withdrawal prior to the
closing date by email to or if they fail to gain entry to the
3.6 Refunds will be issued where applicable within 28 days of the completion of the event
3.7 Competitors must walk at all times during a stipulated round, unless authorised by a
member of the Committee, or permission to use a buggy has been granted in accordance
with the Scottish Golf Transportation Policy.
3.8 All entries are subject to the approval of Fife Golfing Association, who reserve the right to
refuse or accept or, having accepted, subsequently reject any entry.
3.9 Correspondence will be sent electronically where an email address has been provided. Fife
Golfing Association will not be responsible for any correspondence that fails to reach an

4. Handicaps
4.1 All entrants must be in the possession of a WHS Handicap Index
4.2 The WHS Handicap Index certified at close of entry will be used for all entry purposes and
the WHS Handicap Index certified on the day of the competition prior to tee off will be
used where applicable for competition purposes.
4.3 It is the entrants’ responsibility to ensure that their WHS Handicap Index is always up to
date. Fife Golfing Association will take no responsibility for any out-of-date WHS Handicap
used for balloting or any other purpose.

5. Withdrawals
5.1 In the event of a competitor withdrawing after the closing date, the entry fee will not be
5.2 Withdrawals will only be accepted if a player sends written/emailed confirmation to the FGA
Secretary .
5.3 Any player who no returns/withdraws/retires during a championship will not be permitted to
take any further part in the championship.

6. Inclement Weather or Exceptional Circumstances
6.1 If in the opinion of Fife Golfing Association, it becomes impossible to complete a
championship in accordance with that championship’s Terms of the Competition, because of
adverse weather conditions or other exceptional circumstances, Fife Golfing Association
reserves the right to amend the championship format to the extent necessary to achieve a
result within the time available.

7. Trophies/Prizes
7.1 All trophies awarded at championships shall be retained by Fife Golfing Association.
7.2 Competitors may only win one prize per event. Where a competitor qualifies to win
multiple prizes the higher/older age category takes precedent, and any other(s) will be
awarded to the next eligible competitor(s).

8. Policies/Procedures
8.1 The following policies apply to all Fife Golfing Association Championships and are available at
• Disciplinary Policy
• Transportation Policy
• Pace of Play Policy
• Privacy Policy
8.2 Parental consent is required for all entrants who are under 16 years of age, and this will be required to be completed at the date of entry on the entry form. By signing the entry form
you are agreeing to the Terms / General Terms of the Competition and giving consent for your child to be entered, videoed and photographed. Should you not wish to give consent for your child to be videoed or photographed please highlight this on the entry form.
8.3 Any queries or concerns regarding videos or photographs on websites or social media sites and if either the parent/guardian or the young person wishes the data to be removed they should contact the Fife Golfing Association Secretary

9. Disclaimer/Consent
9.1 Neither the host venue nor Fife Golfing Association can be held responsible for any personal
injury, loss of or damage to, equipment or personal possessions at FGA championships.
9.2 When you enter with the intention of competing in a championship you give consent for your personal information to be collected in order to confirm your entry and provide you
with championship specific information directly related to your participation in the event.

Fife Golfing Association March 2023